TEHRAN (ISNA)- Deputy Chairman of Iran's Armed Forces Chief of Staff Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri warned that Iran will show its real power in case of any US military move against the country.
We will show the real power of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Americans in case of any stupid military move by the US against Iran, Jazayeri said.
The US Secretary of State is so stupid that he thinks the Islamic Republic of Iran will give in its definite interests in case of military threat, he said.
His remarks came after Kerry in an interview with ABS Channel had warned that there is still military option on Iran.
The Iranian military official also highlighted capability and strength of armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and warned that the forces would give a crushing response to the US in a military confrontation.
Jazayeri noted that the countrys massive defense would force the US leave the strategic West Asia.