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TEHRAN (FNA)- Provincial police authorities announced on Tuesday that more than 80 drug gangs have been busted in the Western Iranian province of Hamedan since the beginning of the current Iranian year (will end March 20).
"Hamedan police have seized over 5 tons of illicit drugs from dealers and traffickers in the last 12 months and dismantled 81 drug rings, Hamedan Provinces Police Chief Brigadier General Mohammad Mehdian-Nasab told FNA today.
Over 5,000 kilograms of different types of conventional and laboratory-produced illicit drugs, including opium, heroin and hashish, have been discovered and seized in different cities of the province, he added.
Sistan and Baluchestan province, where Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan come together, has porous borders, where bandits and drug traffickers operate despite frequent entanglements and intense efforts of the Iranian law enforcement police.
Eastern Iran borders Afghanistan, which is the world's number one opium and drug producer. Iran's geographical position has made the country a favorite transit corridor for drug traffickers who intend to smuggle their cargoes from Afghanistan to drug dealers in Europe.
Terrorist organizations in almost 30 countries now finance their activities, to a greater or lesser extent, through the highly profitable trade in prohibited drugs. In particular, drug trafficking has become increasingly important as a source of revenue for terrorist groups after the end of the Cold War.
By Fars News Agency