20 Sep 2024
Tuesday 28 April 2015 - 14:43
Story Code : 162563

Iranian FM: Time for Americans' practical, confidence-building measures

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a meeting with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida underscored that the ball is now in the US court to adopt practical and confidence-building measures to reach a nuclear deal with Tehran.

"Maintaining an uncertain and unstable situation is not acceptable to Iran and the Americans should take practical and confidence-building measures to reach a comprehensive nuclear agreement," Zarif said during the meeting on the sidelines of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference in New York on Monday.

Elsewhere, he announced Tehran's preparedness for closer cooperation with the Japanese delegation during the NPT Review Conference, and said the two countries' cooperation in nuclear safety and nuclear disarmament is among the important opportunities facing Tehran and Tokyo.

Kishida, for his part, underscored his country's readiness to cooperate with Iran in international nuclear disarmament and nuclear cooperation bodies, and called for further bilateral talks to strengthen mutual cooperation in economic and political fields.

On Sunday, Zarif said Tehran was not concerned about internal disputes between the US administration and other decision-making bodies over a possible final nuclear agreement with Tehran, stressing that Washington is responsible for resolving its domestic problem.

"As we have stated since the beginning, we consider the US administration responsible for implementing the agreement and internal problems and conflicts in the US are not related to us and to the implementation of the agreement, and based on the international laws, the countries' internal problems dont exempt them from implementing their undertakings and this is the main framework that we attach importance to," Zarif told reporters in New York.

His remarks came after a bipartisan bill was presented to the Congress for vote, following the April 2 nuclear statement by Iran and the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) in the Swiss city of Lausanne, that would give the US legislature oversight of a final deal, a move seen by many across the globe, including Iran, as furthering impediments to the endorsement of a final deal between Iran and the sextet.

The Iranian top diplomat also reiterated the necessity for the termination of all sanctions on the same day that the possible nuclear agreement between Tehran and the world powers comes into effect, and said, "We have said since the first day that agreement and sanctions arent compatible."

After nine days of hard work in Lausanne, Switzerland, Iran and the G5+1 reached an understanding on April 2 which laid the ground for them to start drafting the final nuclear deal over Tehran's nuclear energy program ahead of a July 1 deadline.

Reading out a joint statement at a press conference with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini in Lausanne on April 2, Zarif said according to the agreement, all the US, EU and UN Security Council sanctions against Iran would be lifted under the final deal.

"Our decision today that will be the agreed base for the final text of the Joint Plan of Action (the final deal) is of vital importance," Zarif said, reading the joint statement at the press conference.

"Now we can start drafting the final agreement and its annexations by relying on the solutions achieved in the last few days," he said after eight days of marathon talks with negotiators from the six world powers.

"As Iran continues its peaceful nuclear program, the degree and capacity of its enrichment and the size of its (enriched uranium) stockpile will be limited for specific periods and Natanz will be the only enrichment center in Iran. Nuclear enrichment R&D on centrifuge machines in Iran will be conducted on the basis of an agreed timeline and level."

Zarif said Fordo would turn from a nuclear enrichment plant to a nuclear, physics and technological center, where Iran will receive international cooperation.

The Iranian foreign minister also said the country's Arak Heavy Water Reactor would remain in place after being redesigned and renovated through international cooperation, stressing that the facility would remain a Heavy Water Reactor in nature, but would produce plutonium which wouldnt have the capability to be used for nuclear weapons production.

He said "there won't be any reprocessing at the Arak facility and its consumed nuclear fuel will be sent" abroad.

"A collection of arrangements have been agreed for supervising the implementation of the contents of the Joint Plan of Action (final deal) which will include Safeguard Code 3.1 and voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol (to the NPT); the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will also use modern inspection technologies and will be given more agreed access to verify past and present issues," Zarif said.

He said Iran would partner in international nuclear projects, "including power plant and research reactor construction as well as nuclear safety and security".

Zarif stressed that all sanctions against Iran will be lifted.

He said all UN Security Council sanctions resolution against Iran would be annulled as they did not help the settlement of the nuclear standoff between Iran and the six world powers.

"The EU will terminate imposition of its nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions and the United States will also stop implementation of its nuclear-related financial and economic sanctions simultaneous with the implementation of Iran's major nuclear undertakings in a way that they are verified by the IAEA," Zarif said.

Zarif said the final deal would be endorsed by a UN Security Council resolution in a move to annul all the previous nuclear-related resolutions against Iran.

He said drafting of the deal would start soon to prepare the Joint Plan of Action by the July 1 deadline.

By Fars News Agency

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