30 Mar 2025
Sunday 23 August 2015 - 10:08
Story Code : 177112

UK embassy in Tehran to reopen Sunday

The UK embassy in Iran will be reopened Sunday four years after it was shut down due to violent protests, amid a thaw in relations between London and Tehran.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond will be flying toTehran toopen the embassy, becoming the first top British diplomat tovisit the Islamic Republic since2003.

"Four years onfrom an attack onthe British Embassy, I am today reopening it. The Iranians will simultaneously reopen their embassy inLondon. Our relationship has improved since2011," Hammond said asquoted bythe Belfast Telegraph, stating that the election ofIranian President Hassan Rouhani and the conclusion ofthe nuclear agreement last month were important milestones.

The reestablishment ofthe embassies does not mean that the two sides agree oneverything, according toHammond.
"But it is right that Britain and Iran should have a presence ineach other's countries. The role ofembassies is tobuild co-operation where we agree and toreduce our differences where we don't."

At first, the embassies will be led bya charge d'affaires, withsmall numbers ofemployees providing limited range ofconsular services.

The UK embassy was closed followinga mob attack inNovember 2011, afterLondon broadened its sanctions againstIran overnuclear weapon development concerns.

The thaw inthe relationship betweenthe two countries comes afterIran and the six world powers the United Kingdom amongthem reached an agreement inJuly obliging Tehran toguarantee the peaceful nature ofits nuclear activities inexchange foran easing ofsanctions againstthe country.

By Sputnik
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