TEHRAN (FNA)- Managing Director of Iranian Electronic Industries Company Hossein Baqeri announced on Sunday that the country's experts and engineers have designed and manufactured a radar system that can identify approaching flights from the most remote areas and high-altitudes.
"We have achieved remarkable progress in the air defense field and we have given priority to air defense and concentrated our efforts on supplying air defense equipment at the order of Iran's Supreme Leader (Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei); in cooperation with experts of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base we have designed a powerful and indigenized communications network for air defense which has resulted in covering all blind spots in the country's air defense and tracking all flights even in the remote parts and at very high altitudes," Baqeri told FNA on Saturday.
He reiterated that the Iranian Electronic Industries Company has also made considerable progress in avionics, and said, "We have made remarkable progress in supplying and installing electronic equipment and cameras on airplanes and drones."
"Today all flights even in remote areas are under the surveillance of Iran's powerful air defense," Baqeri added.
Iran on Thursday launched a new home-made Command and Control system named Payambar-e A'zam in a ceremony in the presence of top military and air defense commanders.
The system launched operation following an order by Army Commander Major General Ataollah Salehi and in the presence of Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli and other senior military commanders in one of Iran's sensitive sites.
After being unveiled and launched, the system was connected to all missile, radar, operations monitoring and assessment and other air defense points in the country.
The system can detect and trace targets, take decisions for the operation of the missile systems, decide about the type of weapon systems needed, assess and foresee hostile targets, and field commanders can easily take a final decision with the data provided by the command and control system.
Brigadier General Esmayeeli said that all instruments, air defense systems, fighter jets, missiles and monitoring systems� take orders from Payambar-e A'zam Command and Control system from now on.
Iran unveiled two new home-made radar systems named Nazir and Bina on Tuesday with the capability of detecting radar-evading targets and fighting against electronic warfare.
The two radar systems were unveiled in a ceremony attended by General Esmayeeli through a video conference.
Nazir is a long-range and high-precision radar system which is highly capable of detecting targets in low radar cross section and is resistant to radar evading and anti-radar missiles.
The radar can detect all radar-evading targets and is capable of fighting electronic warfare.
Bina and Nazir radar systems have been mounted in the mountainous and plain regions in Southeastern Iran.
Elaborating on the specifications of the two radar systems, Brigadier General Esmayeeli said that they are fully home-made and unique in the region and the world.
"The radars have been designed in different frequencies and with jump frequency and also in (special) bands which cannot be heard by the enemies," he added.
Esmayeeli explained about other features of the radar systems, and said they are multi-range radars, meaning that they can detect wide-body and stealth targets as well as small planes, including drones, in long distances before they can approach Iranian borders.
He expressed the hope that the two radar systems will be mass-produced within one year.
In relevant remarks in June, Baqeri underlined that his company had made considerable progress in data gathering equipment and cameras for different types of aircraft, including drones.
"Iran's Electronic Industries Company has had remarkable developments in manufacturing and mounting surveillance and data gathering equipment and cameras on manned and unmanned aircraft," Baqeri said.
He reiterated that his company is in charge of producing and procuring equipment in telecommunication, information technology, electronic, electronic warfare, data gathering, computer, electro-optic and space devices, systems and equipment.
On Friday, Brigadier General Esmayeeli underlined that the country's integrated missile and radar systems are always monitoring moves and ready to fire and intercept hostile flying objects at any moment from over 3,000 kilometers away.
"Today we are capable of monitoring the enemies' slightest move from a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers," Brigadier General Esmayeeli said, addressing a pre-sermon speech of Tehran Friday prayers.
He reiterated that one of the achievements in the field of Air Defense in Iran is that the country has become self-sufficient in the production of radar systems and missiles.
Brigadier General Esmayeeli said Iran's Air Defense units have been deployed in some 3,700 locations across the country to give a crushing response to enemies' threats, while they have a message of peace and security to regional and friendly states.
He underlined that Iran's military capabilities serve as a deterrent arm against enemy threats.
Brigadier General Esmayeeli noted that Iran�s defense lines are not confined to the geographical borders, and said, "Given the increase in variety, speed and range of aerial weapons of the enemy and the intention of the enemy to destroy the infrastructure of the defending country, the defense lines can be expanded to all parts of the target (enemy) country."
Last month, Brigadier General Esmayeeli underlined if the enemy wants to make an aggression against Iran, it will receive a strong slap across the face by the Iranian Armed Forces.
"Iran's air defense system is always ready to act upon the Supreme Leader's order and its finger is always on the trigger and today, thanks to this air defense system, the Islamic Republic of Iran's airspace is one of the most secure skies in the world," he added.
Esmayeeli underlined that Iran's radar, electronic and missile systems are always awake to monitor and show reaction to the slightest hostile moves of the enemies.
"The air defense is always ready for mission and its radar, electronic, missile and monitoring systems are not turned off under any conditions and they are always under operation," Esmayeeli said.
He said that the air defense system is constantly monitoring and providing coverage for every inch of the country's airspace.
Noting that defending the Iranian airspace is a priority in the country's defensive doctrine, he said that increasing the number of air defense systems has always had a message of peace and friendship.