20 Sep 2024
Friday 12 February 2016 - 23:16
Story Code : 201375

Zero-sum policy in region to result in total loss: Iran FM

Zero-sum policy in region to result in total loss: Iran FM

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says a zero-sum perspective on regional issues will result in total loss.

Zarif made the remarks duringa speech at the 52nd Munich Security Conference (MSC) held to discussongoing crises and future challenges to international security.

Following a marathon meeting in Munich aimed at resurrecting Syriapeace talks that collapsed last week, major negotiators agreed on Friday to a cessation of hostilities in Syria and facilitation of delivery ofhumanitarian aid to besieged Syrian towns.

There is no lose-win game in our world today, said Zarif. Each one of us should accept certain principles and enter into dialogue.

He called on regional countries to reconsider their paradigms,adding, We have to change this paradigm. I can assure you. Iran is ready.

Zarif said the countries in the region are facing common threats that are causing problems for our brothers in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, even in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

The Iranian minister also cited the challenge of sectarianism and said thats a threat to all of us.

We have a common opportunity, common challenges, common threats and a better future, said Zarif.

He recommended countries in the region to start redefining problems and set aside their past differences instead of remaining prisoner of the past.

The Iranian foreign minister further pointed to Riyadh'sdecision to break relations with Tehran, saying the two countries must not followa policy of mutual exclusion;however,Saudi Arabia has been seekingto eliminate Iran from political equations, including in theinternationalnegotiationson Syria.

"Iran and Saudi Arabia cannot exclude each other from the region," he said.

Zarif added that Tehran is preparedto cooperate with Riyadh to resolve regional issues.
"We are prepared to work with Saudi Arabia ... I believe Iran and Saudi Arabia can have shared interests in Syria," he said, adding, "We need to work together."
Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic relations with Iran on January 3 following demonstrations held in front of the Saudi embassy in Tehran and its consulate in the northeastern city of Mashhad by angry protesters censuring the Al Saud family for the execution of prominent cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

Some people mounted the walls of the consulate in Mashhad while incendiary devices were hurled at the embassy in Tehran. Some 100 people were detained over the acts of transgression. Iranian officials have strongly condemned the attacks. The international community has voiced outrage against the execution of the spiritual leader, who used to be a vocal critic of the kingdoms policies.

By Press TV

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