24 Feb 2025
Sunday 24 April 2016 - 13:43
Story Code : 210937

Syrian elections: Washington unable to strangle Assad's legitimacy

The victory of Syria's ruling Baath party in the recent parliamentary elections has indicated that the Syrian government led by President Bashar al-Assad is a real and credible force in Syria; predictably, Western media largely neglected the event and even tried to downplay its significance.


The recent parliamentary elections inSyria held onApril 13 have become a thorn inthe side ofthose who call themselves the "Syrian opposition" and whom the West and the Persian Gulf States support; they have rushed tolabel the vote asa "flimsy facade" and a "sham."

However, unlikenumerous radical Islamist factions which pretend that they are the representatives ofthe Syrian people, the true political opposition took part inthe elections withenergy and enthusiasm.
"So contrary tospurious claims fromWestern governments and media, efforts were made toopen the voting toall Syrian civilians including those who have fled terrorist held areas. We must also bear inmind that over90% ofIDPs (Internally displaced persons) have fled toGovernment controlled areas, thus further discrediting claims that these elections are non-representative," peace activist and investigative journalist Vanessa Beeley wrote inher article for21CenturyWire.com.

Professor Tim Anderson, Australian social activist and academic, reported fromthe ground onthe eve ofthe elections that Damascus and the people ofSyria "are clearly taking toheart UN recognition that the country's political future must remain inthe hands ofSyrians, and no-one else."

According tothe People's Council, the number ofcitizens who participated inthe elections inthe war-torn country amounted to 57.56 percent ofthe electorate. As a result Syria's ruling Baath party has won a decisive victory.

It is impossible todeny the legitimacy ofthe vote.

However, Washington refused torecognize the results ofthe Syrian vote. Remarkably, much inthe same vein it denied the legitimacy ofthe 2014 Syrian presidential election, when President Assad received almost 88.7 percent ofthe vote.
"We have heard almost nothing aboutthe Syrian Parliamentary elections last week. It was not just the usual corporate media blackout, butan orgy ofhate towardthe undefeated Syrian people bythe US coalition and an international news service that acts likean extension ofWestern Intelligence," Jim W. Dean, managing editor forVeterans Today, comments onthe issue inhis article forNew Eastern Outlook.

It is understandable why the US political establishment is unsatisfied withthe vote: the elections have clearly indicated that the US-backed opposition enjoys little if any support fromthe Syrians.
"The last thing the opposition groups wanted tosee or acknowledge was their tremendous defeat atthe polls, asthey could not continue their charade ofrepresenting the majority ofthe Syrian people, which is a bad joke," Dean remarks.

The journalist calls attention tothe fact that the parliamentary elections were not supposed toreplace the presidential one planned inthe Geneva accords.

In an exclusive interview withSputnik Syrian Prime Minister Wael Nader Halqi explained that afterthe formation ofa "national unity government" and a referendum ona new constitution forthe country new parliamentary elections will take place inSyria.

However, according toDean the latest vote "was a show ofstrength forAssad and the Army atthis point due totheir turning the war aroundagainst the jihadis."
"As a result ofthe Syrian anti-terrorism coalition success, 1.7 million refugees are already returning totheir homes. All are eligible forimmediate loans tobegin rebuilding their shattered lives," Dean adds.

But that means nothing tothose who blindly believe that "Assad must go." The Western press closes its eyes towhat is really going onon the ground.

Meanwhile, the US continues toarm and train the so-called "Syrian moderate rebels."

At the same time, al-Qaeda's affiliate al-Nusra Front, backed and re-supplied byTurkey, is making every effort topreserve control overthe Aleppo area and gain ground inthe war.
"The Syrian people want their homes back and the terrorists dead so let's get onwith what needs tobe done, or more will die who did not need to," Dean emphasizes.

By Sputnik

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