4 Mar 2025
Tuesday 19 July 2016 - 10:21
Story Code : 223383

Iran's atomic agency refutes reports on purchase of Bulgarian old reactors

The head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, said on Monday that rumors about Tehran's purchase of old reactors from Sofia for the needs of its nuclear energy program were false.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) Earlier inJuly, media reported aboutplans ofSofia and Tehran toconduct a deal onpurchasing "secondhand" reactors forthe needs ofIranian nuclear power plant insouthwestern city ofBushehr.

"This claim is completely false sincenuclear reactors cannot become secondhand tobegin with," Salehi said, asquoted bythe Iranian Mehr news agency.

At the same time he added that Bulgaria wanted tosell the equipment it had afterthe cancellation ofproject onconstruction oftwo reactors withRussia's Rosatom state-owned nuclear energy corporation.

The Russian-built Bushehr nuclear power plant started operating in2011 and reached full capacity the followingyear.

The project forBushehr-2 was presented byRussian nuclear experts inTehran inSeptember, 2014. In November, Iran signed a number ofdeals withRussia forthe construction oftwo more nuclear reactors and an option foran additional six.

By Sputnik
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