Egyptian, Iranian and Venezuelan paratroopers will use Russian parachutes for the first time during the Airborne Platoon 2016 contest, the Russian Defense Ministry said Monday.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) The parachuting championships involving military service personnel fromRussia, Egypt, Iran, Venezuela, Belarus, Kazakhstan and China, are due tokick offin southwestern Russia onAugust 3.
"Teams fromIran, Egypt and Venezuela will use D-10 parachute systems, servicemen fromKazakhstan and Belarus will jump using D-6 parachutes, and their Chinese counterparts [will use] Sanbin-9 systems," the Russian military said ina statement.
In the run-up tothe contest, teams will make two descents each fromMi-8 helicopters flying overunfamiliar terrain ata height ofmore than2,600 feet.