3 Mar 2025
Thursday 29 September 2016 - 15:54
Story Code : 233211

US negatively affect ties with Russia by questioning agreements on Syria

The United States inflicts further damage on bilateral relations with Russia by calling into question existing agreements on Syria, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Thursday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) Ryabkov told RIA Novosti the long path towardreaching a deal ona cessation ofhostilities announced September 9 stemmed fromthe need toachieve "balance and parity suitable forall."

"Now these agreements are put intoquestion bythe US. It is their political choice. This reflects heightened 'warmongering' inWashington and amongthose willing tocontinue inflicting damage tobilateral relations withRussia," he said. On Wednesday, US Secretary ofState John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that the US is prepared tosuspend bilateral engagement withRussia inSyria unless Moscow takes immediate steps toend Syrian operations inthe city ofAleppo and reinstate a ceasefire, according tothe State Department.

Ryabkov argued the US was presenting an anti-Syria and Russia narrative afterfailing tolive upto a series ofits own obligations aspart ofthe recently released agreements.

"This is inline withimposing unilateral approaches that has never been acceptable tous," he maintained. "There can be no concern here aboutthe situation inAleppo, aboutthe humanitarian problems ofthe population and the tragedies that happen there every day All this is pure politics and geopolitics." Fighting inAleppo intensified last week afterthe Syrian army declared an end tothe week-long US-Russian brokered ceasefire, blaming militants fornumerous violations that made the cessation ofhostilities unfeasible.

By Sputnik
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