The Iranian government must release information about missing former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent Robert Levinson who disappeared in Iran more than nine years ago, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said at a rally on Friday in Coral Springs, Florida.
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) In March, the White House marked the ninth anniversary ofLevinson's disappearance duringa trip toKish Island, Iran, stating Iranian assistance infinding Levinson was agreed toas part ofa prisoner exchange reached betweenthe two countries inJanuary.
"He [Levinson] disappeared inIran more thannine years ago, and it is long pasttime forthe Iranian regime toprovide us information abouthis whereabouts and let him return home tohis family," Clinton stated onFriday.
The White House also said inJanuary that it had reason tobelieve Levinson was no longer inIran, buthoped toget asmuch information aspossible abouthis whereabouts.