3 Mar 2025
Germany seeking to set up vocational training centers in Iran: Economy Minister
October 3, The Iran Project Germanys Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister SigmarSigmar Gabriel says Germany intends to set up vocational training centers in Iran.

Referring to the establishing of the 1stvocational training center in Iran by Germans, Gabriel at Iran-Germany business forum in the country's Chamber of Commerce stated that we are trying to make interactions with Iranians in a more effective way.

He pointed to Iran-Germany's cooperation in the sectors of renewable energy, health, infrastructure, water and environmental technologies, adding that German companies are not just looking for making profit but also transferring technology and using Iran's capacities are among their priorities.

Saying that we are planning to hold joint economic commission meeting after 15 years, he noted that the two countries can revive the past economic relations.

German delegations will help Iran's economic policies move in line with international economic policies, he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he referred to the problems of German Euler Hermes credit institution in Iran, and said Iran-Germany representatives held some meetings to find appropriate solutions to solve the banking problems.

He went on to say that Iran and Germany's central banks will sign a memorandum of understanding later this day.

This is Gabriels second visit to Iran since the country reached a deal in July last year to restrict certain aspects of its nuclear energy activities in return for the removal of some economic sanctions that had been imposed on it for several years.

The German banking sector has been reluctant to underwrite business deals for fear of falling foul of remaining US sanctions imposed on Iran.

It's worth mentioning thatGabriel had angered the Iranian public as well as officials by saying, prior to his trip, that Berlin and Tehran could have normalized relations only when the Islamic Republic recognizedthe Israeli regime.

Iranian officials, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, said no country could set preconditions for the development of ties with Iran, rejecting Gabriels remarks.
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