4 Mar 2025
Sunday 23 October 2016 - 15:18
Story Code : 236080

Rouhani changes nomination for Min. of Education

TEHRAN, Oct. 23 (MNA) The latest list of nominations for cabinet empty chairs communicated to the Parliament sees a new figure who had been rejected by the Principlist-dominated 9th Parliament.

President Rouhanis list communicated to Mr. Ali Larijani contains the name Fakhreddin Ahmadi Danesh Ashtiani replacing Mohammad Ali Najafi for the position of Ministry of Education.

Mr. Najafi has reportedly been reluctant to accept the nomination,and Mr. Rouhani was to replace him, still with a figure himself, as the President's4th nomination for Ministry of Science and Research, failed to win the vote of confidence of the Parliamentarians in October 2014.

By Mehr News Agency
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