19 Jan 2025
Sputnik - The launch of a new gas condensate refinery will allow Iran to fully meet its gasoline needs and export on a global scale in the not-so-distant future, according to the Iranian news network IRIB.

Last Sunday, Iran saw the launch ofthe first phase ofthe Persian Gulf Star refinery, which is expected tomake Iran self-sufficient ingasoline production and will help the country become a major gasoline exporter, the Iranian news network reported.

When it starts full operations, the refinery's daily gasoline production capacity will reportedly total 37 million liters.

Speaking atthe opening ceremony, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said, inparticular, that if it had not been forthe signing of the Iranian nuclear deal, also known asthe Joint Comprehensive Plan ofAction (JCPOA) "we could never have opened this plant."

In an interview with Sputnik Iran, independent energy expert Omid Shokri Kalehsar said that he does not rule outthat Tehran may occupy its own niche inthe world market ofgasoline withinthe framework ofthe JCPOA.
"After the inking ofthe Iranian nuclear deal and the subsequent partial lifting ofsanctions, Tehran gradually began building upits capacity toproduce oil and gas. In this vein, the launch ofthe first phase ofthe Persian Gulf Star refinery attended byPresident Rouhani is one ofthe goals ofthe JCPOA's implementation," he said.

Kalehsar specifically underscored the significance ofIran meeting domestic gasoline demands beforetrying toforay intointernational markets.
"This is important because afterthe lifting ofsanctions, Iran should, atleast, regain its niche inthe international oil and gas market. Therefore, the launch ofa new refinery is aimed atgaining independence and getting rid ofgasoline imports fromother countries," he pointed out.

Kalehsar recalled that the implementation ofthe first phase ofthe Persian Gulf Star refinery, which was conducted byIranian specialists, started in1996 butwas then hit byanti-Iranian sanctions slapped bythe international community underUS pressure throughthe UN Security Council.

The sanctions prevented Iran fromexporting the equipment necessary forthe implementation ofthe Persian Gulf Star project, according toKalehsar.
"But it is important toemphasize that the main wealth is interms ofhuman resources, namely, trained and experienced personnel rather thanequipment. And Iran has this wealth. This will easily help Iran enter the global gasoline export market inthe future," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Iran implemented a bevy ofretaliatory sanctions againsta number ofprominent US companies inlate March.

This punitive measure is apparently meant toshow Washington that Tehran will not bow inthe face ofa host ofsanctions imposed againstthe Islamic Republic.

The sanctions imposed byTehran target 15 American companies primarily engaged indefense work, including BENI Tal, United Technologies Produces, RAYTHEON, ITT Corporation, Re/Max Real Estate, Oshkosh Corporation, Magnum Research Inc, Kahr Arms, M7 Aerospace, Lewis Machine and Tool Company, Daniel Defense, Bushmaster Firearms International, O.F Mossberg & Sons and H-S Precision Inc.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry also condemned "the recent measure taken bythe United States administration toimpose one-sided extraterritorial sanctions againstIranian and non-Iranian individuals and institutions."

The ministry argued that the US sanctions were "based onfabricated and illegitimate pretexts and amount toa move againstthe international regulations aswell asthe word and spirit ofthe Joint Comprehensive Plan ofAction."

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