23 Feb 2025
Sputnik News- US President Donald Trumps warm support for Saudi Arabia and Israel and his harsh words against Tehran should be seen as signs that the United States and its allies are heading towards war with Iran, former CIA intelligence officer Phil Giraldi told Sputnik.

On Sunday, atthe Arab Islamic American Summit inRiyadh, Trump said that Iran has been supporting terrorists, militias and extremist groups that spread destruction and chaos acrossthe Middle East.

"I fear that we will be looking atwar withIran beforetoo long asit is clear that Trump and his advisers are already completely inthe Israeli and Saudi pockets onthe issue," Giraldi, a former CIA Case Officer and US Army Intelligence Officer said onMonday.

Giraldi described Trumps repeated hostile rhetoric againstIran inboth Saudi Arabia and Israel a "depressing" indication ofthe likely future direction ofUS policy inthe Middle East.

"The most depressing part ofthe performance was the vilification ofIran asthe source ofall terror and evil inthe region, a tune which was replayed immediately uponarrival inIsrael withthe pledge that Tehran will never have a nuke," Giraldi said.

In reality, Iran was a far more open and moderate society thanSaudi Arabia, Giraldi pointed out.

"Iran holds elections, which the Saudis do not do, and it is far outgunned byits enemies inthe region. It is no threat toanyone butit is convenient topretend that it is tosupport policies that would otherwise be unpalatable," Giraldi said.

Trumps lack ofexperience ofthe history, military conflicts, politics and societies ofthe Middle East had made him easy tomanipulate, Giraldi cautioned.

"Trump is too ignorant torealize that what he is saying is nonsense," he said.

The Saudis ordered around $100 billion ofnew weapons fromUS companies duringTrumps visit allowing him topresent the meeting asa major success, Giraldi observed.

"The arms sale was the sugar used bythe Saudis toget Trump completely onboard totheir worldview. The fight againstterrorism is aimed atmaking all the Kabuki [stylized acting] palatable forthe American and world audience," Giraldi said.

However, inRiyadh, Trump abandoned any pretense offollowing upon his repeated rhetoric duringthe US presidential election last year tohold the Saudi leaders accountable fortheir decades offinancial and other support forIslamic extremists, Giraldi pointed out.

"The Saudis have been, ofcourse, the leading funder ofSunni Islamic terrorism, which Trump would not dare tosay," he noted.

Philip Giraldi is executive director ofthe Council forthe National Interest, a group that advocates more even-handed US government policies inthe Middle East.
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