June 13,�The Iran Project � An Iranian lawmaker has stressed that Iran's parliament will certainly draw up a counter-plan to the US Senate bill to respond to Washington's hostile behavior.
Speaking to a reporter on Tuesday, Seyyed Hossein Naghavi Hosseini said following US Senate bill to impose new sanctions on Iran, Parliament�s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee was ordered to �immediately� draw up a counter-plan to deliver a �serious� and �clear� response to Washington which breached the nuclear deal between Iran and P5+1.
In addition, he referred to the bill, titled�Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (S. 722), which was also recently passed�by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stressing that it runs counter to the JCPOA as well and shows the US hostile behavior against the Islamic Republic.
The Iranian parliamentarian went on to say that as the US�Senate voted to impose non-nuclear sanctions against the country, we must also have non-nuclear legislation, adding so the Parliament�s new plan will include economic, political, social and cultural aspects which will be developed by the Commission in the near future.
Last Wednesday, the US�Senate voted overwhelmingly to advance a bill that would impose new sanctions on Iran, the same day at least 17�people were killed in terrorist attacks in Tehran.
A senior Senate aide said the Iran sanctions measure could come up for a vote as soon as next week.�The legislation would impose new sanctions on Iran over its defense missile program, support for resistance movements and claims of human rights violations against the country.
To become law, the measure would also have to pass the Republican-led House of Representatives and be signed by President Donald Trump.