1 Apr 2025
Wednesday 5 July 2017 - 10:23
Story Code : 267123

Ministerial board of SDS conference releases declaration for future coop.

MNA Ministerial board of International Conference on Sands and Dust Storms released a statement on the agenda for future cooperation.

There has been a growing awareness of the global phenomenon of Sand and Dust Storms (SDS) and their global, regional, transboundary and multi-faceted impacts on the environment, climate, health, livelihoods, agriculture and socio-economic well-being of societies in the past decades. The UN system has already started addressing this problem from various perspectives.

Acknowledging that sand and dust storms would pose a daunting challenge to the sustainable development of affected countries including and in particular in Asia and Africa and that coordinated prompt measures are needed to address it at national, regional and global levels, the ministers participating in Tehran International Conference on Sands and Dust Storms released a statement on the

Following is the full text of SDS declaration:

We, the Ministers and high-level representatives participating in the International Conference on Combating Sand and Dust Storms:

Having met in Tehran to exchange views, share experiences and best practices on combating Sand and Dust Storms and to contribute to global and regional efforts to put forward a concerted and collective response to this serious challenge.

Recalling the UNGA Resolution 70/195, 71/219, UNEA II Resolution 2/21 and WMO Congress Decision Cg-XV/, UNESCAP Resolution 72/7 in which Sand and Dust Storms has been acknowledged to be posing a daunting challenge to the sustainable development of affected countries including and in particular in Asia and Africa and that coordinated prompt measures are needed to address it at national, regional and global levels,

Acknowledging that Sand and Dust Storms, which are on the rise in terms of severity and frequency in many parts of the world, are detrimental to human health, agricultural land, livelihoods, coastal and marine environment, infrastructure, and the socio-economic systems, in all affected countries,

Fully aware that sand and dust storms occur due to natural biogeochemical cycles of the Earth and human-induced factors, including climate change, and unsustainable land management and water use as well as armed conflicts,

Recognizing the negative impacts of Sand and Dust storms on some countries and regions that are far away from their hot spots, due to their trans-boundary nature,

Further Recognising that combating the challenge of Sand and Dust Storms requires concerted and collaborative global, regional and sub-regional as well as national responses to address this phenomenon and also underlining the role of United Nations in promoting international cooperation and partnerships among countries and other relevant stakeholders to combat Sand and Dust Storms.

Agree to cooperate on combating SDS at sub-regional regional, and international levels on the following:

1. Share information, lessons learnt and best practices, exchange views and expertise, develop mitigation and adaptation policies and measures, exchange technical and monitored data and forecasting information to reduce the risk of Sand and Dust Storms,

2. Strengthen national legal and institutional frameworks to share early warning information of Sand and Dust Storms and raise awareness and promote integrated and synergistic actions across sectors and foster strengthened cooperation among relevant institutions at global, regional and national levels.

3. Enhance public awareness on the impact and cost of Sand and Dust Storms on human health, agricultural practice, food security, infrastructure, transport and in general socio-economic sectors and the environment and partnerships among relevant stake holders on mitigation of the impacts.

4. Collectively endeavour to enhance cooperation and coordination at global, regional and sub-regional levels to address the causes and impacts of Sand and Dust Storms including through the promotion of sustainable water use and land management, to reduce future Sand and Dust Storms risks and impacts.

5. Develop and implement a strategy on disaster risk reduction and resilience to promote sustainable land management and water use in croplands, rangelands, wetlands, deserts as well as rural and urban areas.

6- Strengthen research activities for effective monitoring, impact based assessment and forecasting and early warning mechanism for Sand and Dust Storms, to address disaster prevention and mitigation and for development of appropriate preparedness and effective response to Sand and dust storms,

7- Encourage enhanced regional and international cooperation to observe and forecast, mitigate and cope with the adverse effects of Sand and Dust Storms, and seek technical and financial support from the relevant United Nations organisations to that end.

Consider to further develop policy dialogue on responding to the issues of sand and dust storms among interested countries in partnership with relevant international bodies and organizations, including the establishment of a future platform, in synergy with relevant United Nations System.

9- Recognize the role of the Asian and Pacific Center for the Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM), regional seas programs and SDS-WAS, to develop human and institutional capacity through strengthened regional cooperation in disaster information management.

10- Invite the Environment Management Group (EMG) of the UN to consider initiating an inter-agency process involving relevant UN system warranting to prepare a global response to Sand and Dust Storms including a situation analysis, Strategy and an Action Plan. This could result in developing a UN-wide approach in addressing Sand and Dust Storms which can be used as an inter-agency framework for mid- or long-term cooperation and division of labour.

11- Request the UN General Assembly to consider this declaration for appropriate actions.

12- Express our deepest gratitude to the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the excellent arrangements and the warm hospitality they extended to participants in this important Conference.

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