Alireza Daemi also told ISNA that the precipitation rate is 205 millimeters across the country this year.
"The precipitation rate in the current farming year is normal, as the distribution of rainfalls has been satisfactory," he said.
"Since the country faced a period of drought, three consecutive wet years should follow to reach a normal situation."
Daemi pointed out that this is the first year in which the water level of Orumieh Lake has not declined.
Stressing the necessity of regulating illegal well drilling, he said the presence of 105,000 illegal wells inflict the biggest damage to underground water resources.
"Close to 4.8 billion cubic meters of water are illegally drawn from the water tables of the area. This has led to a reduction in water level and caused aqueducts, springs and wells to go dry," he said.
By Zawya
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