MNA � The 4th Iran International Zeolite Conference will be held as a two-days event at Golpayegan University in Golpayegan, west of Isfahan.
The conference is scheduled for August 23 and 24, 2017, and will�bring together professionals from industry and academia who are actively interested in the science and technologies of zeolite and zeo-type materials.
The scientific program of the conference, now in it's fourth year,�traditionally covers various fields of zeolites science and technology focusing on the Nanotechnology area, detailed characterization and new application areas.
The conference themes include�Zeolite based nanotechnologies,�Ion exchange,�Biomaterial,�Mesoporous materials, among others.
Key speakers include Dr. Eva Chmielewsk� (Slovakia), Dr. Giuseppe Cruciani (Italy), Dr. Aleksandra Dakovi? (Serbia), and a number of Iranian university professors.
Zeolites are known for their open, cage-like, "framework" structure and the way they can trap other molecules inside it, making them applicable in�water softeners and water filters, as well as removing radioactive particles from�nuclear waste�and cleaning up soils contaminated with toxic heavy metals