4 Mar 2025
SANA- Speaker of the Peoples Assembly Hammouda Sabbagh has strongly condemned the incursion of Turkish army into Idleb province, considering it as a blatant aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.

The peoples Assembly condemns the Turkish flagrant aggression on the Syrian territory in Idleb province which constitutes a blatant aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and a flagrant violation of international law and norms, Sabbagh, who heads Syrias delegation to the 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU), said Sunday.

He added that the Turkish aggression endangers the Syrian people and has nothing to do with what has been agreed upon by the guarantors states in Astana.

Sabbagh demanded an immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the Turkish troops from the Syrian territories, stressing that the Turkish flagrant aggression cannot be justified in any way.

He pointed out that the Turkish incursion into the Syrian territories affirms the standing relations between the Turkish regime and the terrorist groups which shed the Syrians blood, destabilize the region andthreaten regional and international peace.

Sabbagh dismissed the allegations of the head of Turkish delegation to the 137th Assembly of IPU on the numbers of displaced Syrians in Turkey, asserting that these numbers are exaggerated and aim at exploiting the issue of displaced people for more political and economic gains.

H. Zain/ Ghossoun
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