After the successful hosting of the Regional Forum on Policy Implications of Population Ageing in Tabriz, Iran back in 2017 and issuance of Tabriz Statement, State Welfare Organization, HelpAge International, and UNFPA will coordinate to co-host the Regional Conference on issues relevant to population ageing in the Asia Pacific. The main theme of the conference is Family, Community and State in Ageing Societies.
The conference will be two days long and on the third day a field visit will be organized to older people centers. Day 1 of the conference assesses the trends in population ageing and family dynamics, as well as how communities and governments across Asia have responded. Through parallel streams on Day 2, the conference will then examine policies and community services to ease adaptation to ageing trends particularly in relation to social inclusion, income security, and health and care.
It is anticipated that this conference bring together 250 participants from various countries in the region and few countries from other regions, representing government, international organizations, academic institutions, civil society organizations, parliamentarians and private sector.