13 Mar 2025
Tuesday 10 April 2018 - 12:59
Story Code : 300285

Euro to replace dollar in trade transactions: CBI governor

MNA Central Bank of Iran Governor ValiollahSeif said Tue. that the decision to replace dollar with euro in the countrys foreign trade transactions will be implemented with more determination this year.

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) attended an open session at the Parliament this morning to discuss the recent foreign exchange fluctuations in the market.

The rial plumbedto a record low of 60,000 against the US dollar on the unregulated market on Monday, compared with about 48,000 on April 1.

Seif blamed lack of confidence in the future and the enemies of Islamic Republic for the reasons behind the instability in the forex exchange market.

There are signs of neighboring countries plots, he said. In the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, some planning is being done to disrupt Irans forex exchange market. We need to keep calm and disappoint the enemies [from realizing their plans].

Seif went on to add that the government will sell the US dollar at a rate of 42,000 rials to all individuals and businesses. The rate was announced last night by Irans First Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri.

Seif noted that the rate is reasonable and meets economic indicators, adding that there will be five to six per cent fluctuation in the rate during a year, which will be in accordance with economic variables.

According to him, all foreign exchanges from oil or non-oil transactions, as well as any forex income will be put into a new system that will soon come on stream.

Seif further maintained that the plan to replace dollar with euro in trade transactions will be followed more vigorously this year, since "dollar has no place in our transactions today. He added that Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has welcomed the decision.

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George R Rivera Jr
I wonder why they didn't choose the Chinese Yaun?