20 Mar 2025
Wednesday 25 April 2018 - 09:49
Story Code : 302370

Cheese puffs? Iran says Haley showed fabricated Houthi proof

AP To the Trump administration, the recovered missile fragments were incontrovertible proof that Iran was illicitly arming Yemens Houthia. Yet Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif brushed it off Tuesday as little more than cheese puffs.

During a visit to New York, the Iranian diplomat accused U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley of displaying fabricated evidence that missiles lobbed by the Houthis at civilian areas in Saudi Arabia originated in Iran. Though Tehran supports the Shia group, it firmly denies giving them missiles. But Haley has invited journalists and U.N. Security Council diplomats to inspect missile parts recovered after strikes on Saudi Arabia, bearing what U.S. military officials said were Iranian markings and characteristics.

Zarif, in an Associated Press interview, said that one such logo was from the Standard Institute of Iran, which he said regulates consumer goods not weapons.

Its a sign of quality, Zarif said. When people want to buy it, they look at whether its been tested by the Standard Institute of Iran that your cheese puffs are good, your cheese puffs will not give you a stomach ache.

He laughed and added, I mean, nobody will put the logo of the Standard Institute of Iran on a piece of missile.

Zarif also pointed to a truck-size section of a missile that the U.S. said was recovered in Saudi Arabia and was transferred to a military base near Washington, where it was on display behind Haley for a photo-op. Zarif noted that the missile had been supposedly shot down in mid-air.

Im not saying Ambassador Haley is fabricating, but somebody is fabricating the evidence she is showing, Zarif said.

Some of the fragments Haley presented, if authentic, would seem to implicate Irans military industry more directly, including some with the logo of Shahid Bakeri Industrial Group, an Iranian defense entity under U.S. sanctions. Haley said others had clear Iranian missile fingerprints, such as short-range ballistic missiles that lacked large stabilizers a feature she said only Irans Qiam missiles have.

Just imagine if this missile had been launched at Dulles Airport or JFK, or the airports in Paris, London or Berlin, Haley told reporters late last year. Thats what were talking about here.

Tehrans denials aside, theres broad agreement among the United Nations, Western countries and the Persian Gulfs Arab leaders that Iran has armed the Houthis with ballistic missiles, even though U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibit it. With U.S. support, a Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemens civil war has been bombing the Houthis, who control the capital Sanaa and much of northern Yemen.

Yet Irans opponents have struggled to provide foolproof evidence to back up their claims, creating an opening for Iran to deny. After Haleys presentations at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, some national security experts raised questions, even drawing parallels to Secretary of State Colin Powells 2003 speech to the U.N. making the case for the Iraq War.

The fragments Haley presented were turned over to the U.S. by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates two of Irans fiercest critics and U.S. military officials had trouble tracing the fragments chain of custody. Nor could they say when the weapons were transferred to the Houthis or in some cases precisely when they were launched.
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