SHANA -- Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh sent a letter to OPEC Secretary General HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo complaining about JMMC performance and interpretation of its decisions by some OPEC members and called for its cancellation.
In the letter the Iranian official complained that the committee had distanced from its original mandate and its decisions were being detrimental to the members.
Mr. Zangeneh said: �Given the performance of the JMMC and JTC over recent months, we have regrettably noticed that these two committees have deviated from their initial objectives for which they were established, and some OPEC members of these two committees have clearly taken side with the US in imposing its unilateral and unlawful sanctions against I.R.Iran, and are turning these two committees into political tools in support of the US policies against I.R.Iran.�
He said: �In my view, continuation of the activity of these two committees does not secure the collective interests of the OPEC, and as long as the mandate and missions of these two committees are not thoroughly defined and approved by the OPEC Conference, their activities are not justifiable, and therefore, they should immediately stop their work.
Accordingly, the Secretariat is asked to refrain from providing any services or incurring expenditure toward the work of these two committees.� Undoubtedly, any reports and/or recommendations provided by these two committees are not acceptable.
The Iranian official further called on OPEC to include an item under the title of �Development of Terms of Reference of the JMMC and JTC including their mission, membership, chairmanship, responsibilities, and mandates� in the agenda of the 175th Meeting of the OPEC Conference due to be held on 6 December 2018.
�It would be highly appreciated if Your Excellency could instruct the OPEC Secretariat to circulate the present letter to the Head of Delegations of OPEC and non-OPEC Countries participating in the Declaration of Cooperation.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and respect.�