31 Mar 2025
Wednesday 11 September 2019 - 16:26
Story Code : 358784

Israel talks on adhering to NPT like mafia talking about respecting law: UN envoy

MNA Irans UN envoy rebuked Israel for preaching other countries on adhering to nuclear non-proliferation, stressing that any US-Israeli attempts to divert Iran-IAEA constructive cooperation will receive appropriate actions by Iran.

Only after when it became clear that the balance between the rights and obligations in the deal has been completely lost against Irans interests, and Iran was remained as the only responsible player and the others were not able to deliver their parts, Iran introduced some measures to cease its commitments partially in the exercise of paragraphs 26 and 36 of the JCPOA, with a view to restoring the lost balance between the commitments and demanding the other parties to implement their relevant obligations, Iran's ambassador to the IAEA Kazem Gharibabadi said at the Agencys meeting of the Board of Governors chaired by Acting Director General Cornel Feruta.

He went on to add, Iran has repeatedly stated that such ceasing of commitments would be reversed commensurate with the implementation of the commitments by the remaining participants under the JCPOA and those made by the Joint Commission.

The history of the Islamic Republic of Iran has demonstrated that the policy of maximum pressure is doomed to fail, and issues are only resolved through respect and compliance with the internationally agreed obligations and regulations, Gharibabadi added.

Iran is timely and proactively cooperating with the Agency, not only on the JCPOA, but also on the comprehensive safeguards agreements (CSAs) and Additional Protocol, he stressed.

Elsewhere, the envoy noted the Israeli regimes stance on Irans nuclear program, saying With the abysmal record of Israeli regime in noncompliance with all international norms and standards in the area of non-proliferation and disarmament, its representative is in no position to preach others on something they do not respect themselves.

Israel, talking about adhering to non-proliferation is like mafia talking about adhering to the laws against organized crimes, he added.

Since two days before this Session of the Board, we are witnessing a US-Israeli plot with the support of their affiliated media, the envoy noted.

Former NSA, J. Boltons remark wishing to set an agenda for the visit of the Acting DG on the night that he was on his way to Tehran, along with the media campaign done by two news agencies, as well as the show played by the Israeli regime PM, all-in-all indicate that a joint project is underway, which each player is pursuing its own specific objective.

Gharibabadi went on to add, These show-off measures are aimed at increasing pressure on the Agency, hitting the last straw on the JCPOA which is a symbol of multilateralism, as well as providing the media and the public opinion with fabricated and diversionary data and information.

For Iran, such show-offs have no value, and according to the decision taken by the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, steps designed to cease the obligations under the JCPOA in a 60-day intervals will be pursued vigorously, and will not be influenced by such artificial media mainstreaming, he added.

Hence, I would like to stress that any attempt to divert the constructive and proactive cooperation between Iran and the IAEA and exert undue pressure on the Agency in this regard, will receive appropriate actions by Iran, the envoy concluded.

The full text of Gharibabadi's address to the IAEA meeting of the Board of Governors on 'Verification and Monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in Light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 (2015)' is as follows:

Madam Chairperson,

Mr. Acting Director General Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since this is the last regular session of the Board under your leadership, let me begin with joining the others in commending your efforts, Madam Ambassador, during the past working year. I would also like to pay tribute to the late Director General Amano, wishing success for the Acting Director General Feruta and his team for the professional, impartial and independent work with regard to the verification of the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Distinguished Colleagues, As it was stated by the overwhelming majority of the delegations who have intervened on this subject, the Islamic Republic of Iran also believes that the JCPOA is an important International achievement, which deserves every effort to be put into, to prevent its downfall. Undoubtedly, the loss of this agreement would be a serious failure for diplomacy and multilateralism. Recent report released by the Acting Director General is the Sixteenth consecutive confirmation of Irans dedication to cooperate with the Agency in verification of the implementation of the JCPOA. Furthermore, on the same ground, Acting DG visited Tehran upon the invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and as a part of ongoing interactions and cooperation between Iran and the IAEA. In this visit, cooperation between Iran and the Agency was reviewed. It is an undeniable fact that the JCPOA is a multilateral deal endorsed by the UNSC Resolution 2231 (2015), encompassing rights and responsibilities for each side. Implementation of this deal by only one party is not a legitimate expectation, nor a practical possibility.

With the US withdrawal from the JCPOA, which was the result of a malicious triangular governance of war-mongering radicals, re-imposition of unlawful unilateral sanctions in total violation of its commitments under the deal, as well as lack of ability on the part of EU to implement its commitments under the deal, the Islamic Republic of Iran has shown strategic patience for more than one year and has taken conscious principled measures. Madam Chairperson, Only after when it became clear that the balance between the rights and obligations in the deal has been completely lost against Irans interests, and Iran was remained as the only responsible player and the others were not able to deliver their parts, the Islamic Republic of Iran introduced some measures to cease its commitments partially in the exercise of paragraphs 26 and 36 of the JCPOA with a view to restoring the lost balance between the commitments and demanding the other parties to implement their relevant obligations.

At the same time, as a sign of strategic flexibility, Iran has repeatedly stated that such ceasing of commitments would be reversed commensurate with the implementation of the commitments by the remaining participants under the JCPOA and those made by the Joint Commission since May 2018. Although a series of talks were held during past few weeks to meet the legitimate demands of the Islamic Republic of Iran, however, due to inability of the JCPOA participants in implementing their obligations and the impacts of the US unilateral withdrawal, the third step for cessation of some of the commitments by Iran has started on 5th of September 2019. Accordingly, all restrictions related to Research and Development under the JCOPA were removed and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran was tasked to immediately take measures for whatever it is required for the country in the field of Research and Development. As reported by the Acting Director General, Irans activities in this regard are under the verification mechanism of the IAEA. Considering the high-level initiatives by some JCPOA participants, and as a sign of our good faith, the Islamic Republic of Iran expresses its readiness to continue dialogue at all levels, and work together to bring back the JCPOA to its full implementation by all remaining participants. In fact, Iran has again proposed a window of 60 days for diplomacy to preserve the JCPOA.

Madam Chairperson,

Although, it might be seen as a viable approach in the Americans worldviews and culture that they can prioritize exerting maximum pressure on Iran as their highest objective, however the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran has demonstrated that such policy is doomed to fail, and issues are only resolved through respect and compliance with the internationally agreed obligations and regulations. The destructive behavior of the US and the economic terrorism pursued by its current Administration against the Islamic Republic of Iran and other countries, should be stopped. Violation of the UN-Security Council resolution by the US, and thereby, imposing unilateral unlawful sanctions against Iran, is endangering the only significant achievement of diplomacy in the region in recent decades. The International Community should also stand up to this wrong habit of the US in manipulating the power of Dollar as a weapon against other independent States.

Madam Chairperson,

There were some references in few statements on the changes in paragraph 24 of the report. As it was also clarified in the Technical Briefing by DDG Aparo, it is a usual call and encouragement to expedite the pace of the cooperation. I should emphasize that Iran is timely and proactively cooperating with the Agency, not only on the JCPOA, but also on the CSA and Additional Protocol. In this context, in order to draw for the Board a sketch of the extent of the cooperation of Iran with the Agency, I would like to give you some statistics derived from the SIR. In 2018 alone, 358 out of 421 (85 percent of inspections in 50 States that are implementing CSA and AP without Broader Conclusion in place) took place in Iran; and, in the same year, 88 percent of person-days inspections amounting almost to 1000 person-days in the same group, were conducted in Iran.

As stated by the late DG Amano and the officials in the Secretariat, Irans nuclear program is under one of the most robust verification mechanisms. My advice is that this situation should be appreciated, and not to be endangered due to malign political objectives.

Madam Chairperson,
Unfortunately, once again, a few references were made to some irrelevant and baseless issues with regard to both the Agency and to the Agenda of this Session of the Board. It is quite obvious that baseless allegations made by few delegates, including the one of the Israeli regime

in this meeting, are just playing politics to thoroughly damage the existing positive momentum in the cooperation between Iran and the Agency. This regime is not member to any disarmament and non-proliferation treaties, has developed all categories of WMDs, has frequently invaded its neighbors, and has shed the blood of Palestinian innocent people. Additionally, with the abysmal record of such a regime in non-compliance with all international norms and standards, its representative is in no position to preach others on something they do not respect themselves. Israel, talking about adhering to non-proliferation is like mafia talking about adhering to the laws against organized crimes.

Dear Colleagues,
Since two days before this Session of the Board, we are witnessing a US-Israeli plot with the support of their affiliated media. Former National Security Adviser, John Boltons remark wishing to set an agenda for the visit of the Acting DG on the night that he was on his way to Tehran, along with the media campaign done by two news agencies, as well as the show played by the Israeli regime Prime Minister, all-in-all indicate that a joint project is underway, which each player is pursuing its own specific objective. These show-off measures are aimed at increasing pressure on the Agency, hitting the last straw on the JCPOA which is a symbol of multilateralism, as well as providing the media and the public opinion with fabricated and diversionary information. For the Islamic Republic of Iran, such show-offs have no value, and according to the decision taken by the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, steps designed to cease the obligations under the JCPOA in a 60-day intervals will be pursued vigorously, and will not be influenced by such artificial media mainstreaming. Hence, I would like to stress that any attempt to divert the constructive and proactive cooperation between Iran and the IAEA and exert undue pressure on the Agency in this regard, will receive appropriate actions by Iran. Madam Chairperson,

There were a few allegations in some statements made in this meeting, which I have to address some of them. The Agency has regularly confirmed that it continues to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material at the nuclear facilities and locations outside facilities where nuclear material is customarily used (LOFs) declared by Iran under its Safeguards Agreement. And, evaluations regarding the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities for Iran remains ongoing. It should be noted that in accordance with SIRs, evaluations regarding the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities for more than 50 States remains ongoing. In this context, I would like to reaffirm that all nuclear activities in Iran are conducted in the outmost transparent manner and are under the Agencys verification and monitoring and there is no concealed nuclear activity.

There were also some references in the interventions to the ratification of AP by Iran. It is important to emphasize that Iran is provisionally implementing AP based on para 64 of the JCPOA against the substantial failure in the sanction lifting part of the JCPOA. Ratification of the AP is a reciprocal commitment based on para 22.1 of the JCPOA and will be relevant when the implementation plan provides and respective commitments of other parties are realized. Iran has demonstrated so far that it is the most ardent advocate of the preservation of the JCPOA. Our recommendation to those who advise Iran to continue full implementation of its nuclear commitments under the deal, is to return to the deal if they have withdrawn; and to those who are not fulfilling their obligations and seek for the JCPOA to be preserved at the expense of Iran, is to do their part and act responsibly. Blaming Iran and expressing concerns over Irans recent remedial actions, while at the same time just regretting the root cause of aggravation of the whole situation, is indication of an irresponsible approach.

The Islamic Republic of Iran wishes to have the best relationships of its kind with the Persian Gulf countries, and welcomes all proposals for dialogue and addressing tensions. So far, Iran, itself, has made different proposals in this regard, including for the establishment of a Regional Forum for Dialogue and agreeing on a Non-Aggression Pact among the countries of the region. It is a very disappointing fact that for some countries in the region, namely KSA and UAE, continuation of war and tensions are closely linked with their survival. Such few countries are investing on the support from the weapon-exporting-countries, rather than their own people, and are using their military purchases as a disguise for their own internal failures.

Saudi Arabia is developing and implementing a very non-transparent nuclear programme. Although the KSA is a party to the NPT and has a bilateral Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) in force with the IAEA, regrettably it still has a so-called Small

Quantities Protocol (SQP) in force that exempts the country from the obligation of hosting IAEA safeguards inspections. The IAEA updated its thirty-year-old model SQP in 2005, which limits the eligibility of states for the SQP, and despite the Agencys repeated requests for many years, it has not been accepted by the KSA. Unfortunately, it has been revealed that such irresponsible behavior of Saudi Arabia is also rewarded by the Trump administration under transactional and profit-centered approach to foreign policy-making, which approved the transfer of nuclear know-how to Saudi Arabia seven times, including in early October 2018. States must also make clear to Saudi Arabia that the international community will not tolerate any deviation from a peaceful nuclear programme. I thank you Madam Chairperson.
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