1 Mar 2025
Thursday 4 July 2013 - 13:56
Story Code : 36932

�Game Over� for Morsi, Israel

[caption id="attachment_36382" align="alignright" width="210"] Opponents of Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi protest outside the presidential palace in Cairo on June 30, 2013.[/caption]
�GAME OVER� is what the massive laser light show in Tahrir Square in Egypt�s capital of Cairo is announcing to the cheering throngs.
The sign is more right than some in Egypt, than all in the West, can begin to understand.

Morsi�s rule was a game, little more, in fact, no more than the selling of a totalitarian regime built on suppression of freedom of thought and expression and the careful grooming of extremism and slavish adherence to what had been intended to be a highly secretive plot, one so complex, so convoluted that discovery was impossible.

The great game, Morsi trying to buy Egypt�s place at the table with the new �Masters of the Universe,� the coalition of Turkey�s resurgent Ottoman dreams, rumored to exist only in Erdogan�s diseased brain, Netanyahu�s endless quest to prove to mankind that depravity knows no bounds, but we only begin.

It goes much further, much deeper, layer upon layer, a grand design clearly intended to end all human moral considerations, replacing them with a new �relativism,� all thinly veiled hucksterism peddled by half-baked carnival conmen.

The con, selling �The Clash of Civilizations� as a �cover and deception� plan , covering the truth, deceiving any seeking enlightenment, meant to obscure the simple reality that a group of secret societies, some many centuries old, men serving an unseen master best described as �Satanic,� believe they have been chosen to oversee the end of humanity.

Insane as it sounds, the list of those seeking membership is endless. I don�t really think this is much of a secret anymore. No rational person could believe otherwise as we are drowning, in some cases literally, in evidence.

Only a fool would fail to see the patterns. Calling them predators is too generous. Our �elites� are more akin to a nasty strain of syphilis. You know the names, Morsi was simply trying to get on the list. Let�s be honest, I don�t think Morsi really made it.

Well, with �Game Over,� one thing is for sure, the people of Egypt and their army weren�t as easily fooled as the American people were after 9/11.

Most agree that the turning point for the army was Morsi�s call for war against Syria. Those still harboring illusions as to Morsi, excusing his behavior as �unbalanced� or �insane,� simply weren�t paying attention.

The American media had no trouble either, saw no inconsistencies in his betrayal of the Palestinians, his systematic sabotage of Egypt�s economy, his curious political alignments, neocons in America, Likudists in Israel and Al Qaeda in Syria.

Americans have gained a delightful �moral flexibility,� an ability to rationalize, to betray, to deceive and be deceived and they seem to love it.

The Egyptian people saw, the army saw. Maybe it is simply that the West has so conditioned itself with absurdity and obfuscation that questioning anything, no matter how fanciful, seems, in itself, a pointless act. Perhaps I am giving too much credit.

Don�t let the door hit you on the way out
The ugliness Morsi brought with him, his slavishness to Israel, his soullessness, rode roughshod over Egypt�s people like a pharaoh�s curse.

Yet, as the dust settles, we know it isn�t really over, not yet. �Morsi 2.0� is waiting in the wings.

Morsi was �Mubarak 2.0.� The �Masters of the Universe� aren�t going to give up on destroying Egypt, not so easily.

We can expect the car bombs, the favorite of Mossad�s false-flag �bag of tricks.� Sectarian violence, Tel Aviv hopes, will derail Egypt�s second try for real independence. Consider this a prediction.

Did you get your �talking points� today?
Across the world, the bloggers and pundits are scrambling to save Morsi, their handlers frantically emailing and faxing �talking points.� Coffers will open, cash payments for articles, even for slavish comment board spamming, an Israeli psyops practice carefully tracked by Jim W. Dean of Veterans Today.

As late as this morning, dozens of owned or rented �influencers� were attacking the Muslim Brotherhood as part of the worldwide Islamic conspiracy against all mankind.

Now, as thronging millions march through Egypt�s streets, celebrating the overthrow of a government that makes North Korea look like Iceland, those same �shills,� there is no other word that applies, have turned 180 degrees and are parroting the Talumdic gang�s talking points:
� Military coup
� Suspended constitution
� Morsi was Egypt�s first �freely elected� president

What kind of constitution allowed Morsi to imprison students for unfavorable �tweets?�

Then again, how many opponents did the Muslim Brotherhood �disappear?�
Consider this another prediction.

The lynchpin
Morsi was the Lynchpin to Israel�s strategy. Morsi wasn�t just another �pretty face,� no indeed! This was, and is, a world-class thug.

Taking a lead from the Bush, Blair, Netanyahu playbook, Morsi tried to create a feeling of victimization and hysteria, first unleashing an imaginary jihad on Syria, Egypt�s historical ally and one-time partner in the short-lived United Arab Republic.

His second ploy was a threat of war against Ethiopia based on half-baked rumors that their huge hydroelectric dam would interfere with the flow of the Nile.

The real role of Morsi was to isolate Egypt, turn it into the laughing stock of the Middle East, castrate its military and create base of operations for certain foreign intelligence agencies.

Morsi�s hydra
The events of today are not to be underestimated, they are monumental. Least of all, it can be shown that a real taste for freedom can�t be quelled with repackaged tyranny, except maybe in western nations like Canada, Germany, France and, just maybe, the United States.

Could the �developed nations� be the new political and intellectual �third world?�

As for the importance of Egypt as a slave satellite of Greater Israel, enough can�t be said. One needs only to look to Libya.

After the fall of Gaddafi, more a murder than a fall, actually, there has been a total news blackout on Libya. A carefully coordinated disinformation campaign, the �pro/anti-Zionists� of the left, 99% of whom have always been useless oxygen wasters, along with their �imperialist/bankster� warmongering friends, the other side of the same counterfeit coin, have sought to rob the Libyan people of credit for a very real sacrifice.

Toward that end, our media-mogul fact-twisting friends have sought to erase Gaddafi�s history, not just as a CIA asset and host to 20 years of P2 Gladio terrorism in Europe, but of his long military partnership with Israel, the evidence of which stoked Libyan fires for weeks.

Libya, with its vast oil and petrochemical wealth, has to be reined in. Morsi was part of that effort, holding down one flank, supporting the anti-government militias while conveying jihadists to do Israel�s dirty work in Syria.

In the process, a new generation of Al Qaeda terrorists will spread a generation of suffering, down through Africa, up into Europe and, of course, assuring Libya will suffer the fate of Iraq, war without end.

Tonight, Morsi no longer sits at that table. Egypt�s security services have been looking at foreign workers, language teachers, tourists who have lingered a bit too long.
Hundreds of young and helpful Israelis, many with �other� passports, have poured into Egypt to assist their blood enemy.

Morsi is gone, but will Egypt remain Israel�s colony?

By Press TV


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