31 Mar 2025
MNA – Head of Iran's Passive Defense Organization Brigadier General Gholamreza Jalali said that Trump’s so-called 'Deal of the Century' will shorten the lifespan of the Israeli regime.

He made the remarks on Mon. and added, “the plan unveiled by US President Donald Trump is tantamount to igniting a match in gunpowder magazine which can shorten the life of the Zionist regime, because, this century belongs to Palestine.”

Turning to Trump’s so-called ‘Deal of Century’ which was negotiated with the Israeli regime but without the Palestinians, he added, “apart from the US dream of strengthening the Zionist regime in the occupied Palestinian territories, the realities show that the path of future developments in Southwest Asia moves forwards in favor of the Palestinian nation and completely against the interests of the Zionist regime."

“The geography of resistance is expanding day by day, so that the US power, as the main supporter of the Zionist regime, is diminishing in the international equations.”

As the main player in the conflict for liberation of occupied Palestinian lands, Islamic Republic of Iran is transiting to a new level of power based on military, political, scientific, economic and social components in the 2nd Step of the Islamic Revolution, Jalali added.

The occupying regime of Israel is in its most fragile political and social structure since the occupation of Palestinian territories and its internal crises are deepening day by day, he highlighted.
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