4 Mar 2025
MNA The Friendship Bridge between Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Azerbaijan will turn Khoda Afarin city into the exports hub in the country.

Chief Executive of Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone Organization Mohsen Nariman in a meeting with councilors of Khoda Afarin city on Sat. said that construction of Iran-Azerbaijan Friendship Bridge, in addition to activating Khoda Afarin Customs, will pave suitable way for the promotion of exports and prosperity of the region.

He pointed to the use of all existing capacities and potentials for realizing objectives of the current years motto entitled surge in production and added, all-out unity, cooperation and empathy between people and officials for activating Khoda Afarin Customs is the issue that is of paramount importance and can play a significant role in realizing objectives of surge in production.

Attracting domestic and foreign investors as well as supporting them should be put a top agenda in order to bring about prosperity and create new employment opportunities in the region, he emphasized.

As large as 56,000 ha land area, Aras Free Zone is located at 130km northwest of Tabriz and shares borders with the republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan.
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