A global corruption survey has shown that more than half of respondents think that graft has worsened over the past two years and that police, the courts and political parties are the least trusted institutions.
German-based non-profit group Transparency International published on Tuesday the study titled Global Corruption Barometer 2013.
The group conducted the international survey by asking 114,000 people in 107 countries.
Respondents believed official anti-corruption efforts have weakened since 2008 when the world financial and economic crisis erupted.
The report also showed that 27 percent of those questioned admitted to have paid a bribe to an official in the past 12 months.
However, the study said there is a growing will to fight back against bribery as two-thirds of those who were asked to pay a bribe said they had refused.
When asked about specific institutions, political parties were seen as the most corrupt in 51 countries, including France, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom.
In 36 countries, police was regarded as the most corrupt while 20 countries viewed the judiciary as the most graft-ridden.
"Bribe paying levels remain very high worldwide, but people believe they have the power to stop corruption and the number of those willing to combat the abuse of power, secret dealings and bribery is significant," said chair of Transparency International, Huguette Labelle.
She added "governments need to make sure that there are strong, independent and well-resourced institutions to prevent and redress corruption. Too many people are harmed when these core institutions and basic services are undermined by the scourge of corruption."
By Press TV
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