31 Mar 2025
The commander of the Iranian Navy says a recent joint drill conducted by Iran, Russia and China in the north of the Indian Ocean proved that regional countries are able to provide peace and calm for their own people.

This maneuver senta regional message, especially to friendly countries and the resistance axis, and reminded [regional countries] that ... we can establish security in the region on the strength of our own domestic capabilities, and provide peace and tranquility for [our]people, Admiral Shahram Irani said on Sunday.
Pointing to certain threatening positions and actions taken by some regional countries, the Iranian commander said, "This[joint] exercise reminded the regional countries and the sworn enemies of the [Islamic] Revolution that the unipolar world has been dismantled on global level."
Admiral Irani added that the joint drill "also proved that countries that act independently within the international system and are concerned about ensuring security can work together to present a new model in which they will be able to provide marine safety and security, which in turn, will leadto the strengthening of global peace."
Iran, Russia, and China staged joint military drills in the north of the Indian Ocean last week, with vessels from the three countries hitting pre-determined targets at sea.

The 2022 Marine Security Belt exercise marked the third of such joint exercises between the three countries.

Together for peace and security was the theme of the exercise, which covered an area of 17,000 square kilometers and included both navies from Irans Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), as well as the Russian and Chinese naval forces.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Irani emphasized that one of the main features of the joint maneuver was that Iran, Russia and China brought three different military styles to the exercise, which were not similar in terms of performance and equipment, and every country took advantage of its own special military hardware.

The trio succeeded in achieving their objectives in the drill, he added while issuing a warning about the enemy's constant efforts to portray an insecure image of the region in pursuit of its own interests.

He added that the enemies take good advantage of the powerful media outlets to achieve their goal and "unfortunately, some regional countries are deceived by them and follow suit [with the enemies'diktats] due to the weakness that they have in their governing structures."
"If these [regional] statespaid due attention to the potential and capacity of the regional countries instead of following suit with transregional actors and countries [that have come to the region] from faraway, then the enemy would be stripped of its last excuses to be present in the region," the Iranian commander said.


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