The Iran Project : TEHRAN, Sep. 14 (MNA) – After successfully finishing a long mission in the Red Sea, the 98th Fleet of Iran's Army Navy returned home on Saturday.
Army Navy 98th Fleet completes Red Sea mission
According to The Iran Project, the 98th Fleet of Iran's Army Navy docked in Bandar Abbas on Saturday after carrying out a 126-day mission in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea with the aim of securing the shipping lines of the country.
During the mission, the Iranian Jamaran destroyer successfully managed to guard and protect the shipping lines of the Islamic Republic and commercial ships and oil tankers of the country.
Jalil Moghaddam, a commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, said that the powerful presence of Iran's Army strategic naval fleets in distant seas and areas, where there may exist a threat to the security of shipping lines of the country, guarantees the safety of the sea route for commercial ships and oil tankers of Iran and other friendly states.
Currently, the Iranian-made Dena destroyer is protecting the national interests of Iran in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.