30 Mar 2025
The Iran Project : Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s vice president for strategic affairs, has said the Islamic Republic opposes Israel as an occupier and supports those fighting for the liberation of their lands, warning of efforts to frame this reality as a conflict with Israel.
Zarif warns of efforts to turn Iran’s opposition to occupation into conflict with Israel
Zarif warns of efforts to turn Iran’s opposition to occupation into conflict with Israel
According to The Iran Project, In an interview with the Jamaran news website, Zarif discussed a wide range of topics, including the events surrounding the Islamic Revolution of 1979, the school of thought of its late leader Imam Khomeini, the nuclear talks, and the roots of tensions with the United States and Israel.  

Zarif, a former foreign minister, acknowledged the Iranian people's critical role during the revolution and said this contribution, which continues to be extended today, must be recognized and appreciated in the Islamic Republic.

“It was the people who were at the forefront, and I hope we never forget their significant role. The further we distance ourselves from these noble people of Iran, the more we stray from the teachings of Imam [Khomeini],” he said.

Recalling Imam Khomeini’s unequivocal opposition to Israeli occupation, Zarif rejected the narrative propagated by Israel and its Western allies that Iran’s stance implies it has put together a “proxy force” in the region to fight Israel.

“One doesn’t need proxy forces against occupation because the people whose land is occupied inherently oppose it,” he noted.

He reflected on the challenges faced by the Islamic Republic during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), when Iran sought missile support against Saddam Hussein’s aggression. It was during this period of hardship that the concept of “Islamic resistance” began to emerge, he pointed out.

Zarif cited the 1982 attack on a US Marine base in Beirut by Lebanese resistance forces and criticized the hypocrisy of labeling Iran as a terrorist state when it was the United States that was occupying Lebanon. “You occupied the country and expected the Lebanese to thank you?” he questioned. “These misconceptions are created by the oppressors who claim these are Iran’s proxy forces.”

He warned that there is an attempt to shift the focus from the fight against occupation to a conflict between Iran and Israel. “They want to turn the game from the fight against occupation to a fight between Iran and Israel.”

The career diplomat asserted that after 150 years of experiencing various forms of occupation in its contemporary history, Iran is now capable of defending itself against the world’s greatest powers without needing assistance from anyone--proxies or otherwise. “We no longer feel threatened.”

Regarding the 2015 nuclear deal, Zarif, who spearheaded the negotiations leading to the agreement, praised the support of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for “dignified negotiations” with the West.

“I have no objection to those who oppose the JCPOA, but it must be in a constructive atmosphere free of deceit, and they should not act as mouthpieces for the US and Israel,” he said, referring to the nuclear accord by its official name.
Reporter : Editorial of The Iran Project
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