The violence in the city of Dakahliaerupted after Morsis opponents attacked the Muslim Brotherhood supporters rallying against his trial that will be held on Monday.
In another protest in Egypt's second largest city of Alexandria, security forces fired tear gas to disperse demonstrators demanding Morsis reinstatement. Over 100 protesters have been injured and dozens more detained there.
Similar rallies were held in the capital Cairo and other major cities across the country. The angry demonstrators called for the downfall of the army-backed government that ousted the countrys first democratically-elected president.
Morsis supporters have been holding weekly demonstrations to condemn the interim governments harsh crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood and the arrest of its leaders and members.
They have been demanding justice for Brotherhood supporters killed in the army crackdown following Morsis ouster in early July.
The interim government took power after Morsi was ousted by the army on July 3.
Morsi has been held in an unknown location since his overthrow. He is due to stand trial on November 4 on charges of inciting violence.
Hundreds of supporters of the group have been killed in clashes with the army over the past few months.
By Press TV
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