Kamalvandis remarks came after two local Iranian sites had misinterpreted the statements of AEOI Chief Ali Akbar Salehi during his speech in the Holy City of Qom on Thursday and claimed that Salehi has said that the IAEA inspectors already plan to visit Irans missile industries sites.
The report has been released (by the local media) on a wrong basis, and Mr. Salehi has not made such statements, Kamalvandi said.
Asked by a reporter whether the IAEA inspectors would also visit Irans military and missile industries, Salehi had responded in Qom, IAEA inspectors do not have the mission and the right to do so. There is no organization in charge of inspecting these facilities and we do not have an agreement in this field and the IAEA is not in a position to do this.
The AEOI's reaction came after some foreign media outlets tried to start a media hype based on the mistaken report by two local Iranian websites which had misquoted Salehi.
On Thursday, Salehi announced that Tehran has no more plans to allow inspection of its heavy water reactor in Arak.
At present, no more IAEA inspection of Arak facilities is on agenda, Salehi told reporters in Tehran on Thursday.
He added that the report on the IAEAs recent inspection of Arak facilities would be presented to the IAEA Board of Governors by the UN nuclear watchdog chief, Yukiya Amano.
The IAEA inspectors arrived in Tehran last Saturday to visit Arak heavy water reactor for a third time.
During their visit to Iran, the IAEA inspectors held a meeting with the officials of the AEOI and then visited Arak heavy water installations on Sunday.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a sign of goodwill to remove any possible ambiguity about the peaceful nature of its nuclear program, has given a positive response to the request made by the IAEA to visit the plant, the AEOI said in a statement earlier this month.
By Fars News Agency
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