Gold and Copper by Homayoun Asaadian, Saadatabad by Maziar Miri, Fireworks Wednesday by Asghar Farhadi,Facing Mirrors directed by Negar Azarbaijani, Here without Me by Bahram Tavakkoli, and Mr. Yusef by Ali Rafiei are among the film lineup.
Azarbaijanis debut drama Facing Mirrors will open the screening programs on February 26.
The films producer Fereshteh Taerpour is to attend the opening ceremony and deliver a speech.
It is a great opportunity to watch Facing Mirrors with the Italian audiences,"Taerpour stated.
The well-praised movie Facing Mirrors weaves together the lives of two women with different social and cultural backgrounds.
The film has been lauded at many international festivals and received several awards such as the Best Narrative Feature Award at the 2012 International Three Dollar Bill Cinema in Seattle.
The movie won the Best Feature-length movie of the 36th Frameline LGBT Film Festival.
Facing Mirrors also won great acclaim at the 2011 National Geographic All Roads Film Project in Washington D.C.
The House of Cinema in Rome has organized the weeklong program with the collaboration of Iranian cultural office to introduce Iranian cinema.
By Press TV
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