Hassan Rouhani, who was speaking to the press in the sidelines of 15th Session of Assembly of Experts, said that the nuclear issue was a dominant theme of the session. We will protect the rights of the nation; no concerns should remain on this, since we would not tolerate violation of our red lines, Rouhani told the press.
The rights of nation have been recognized in Geneva joint Plan of Action, since Powers accepted enrichment in Fordow and Natanz, added Rouhani, obviously, they did accept the enrichment, but their concerns are only about the percentage of enrichment which they think should be trust-building.
Rouhani believed that sanctions had been injustice and cruelty on the nation which should be eliminated. Part of sanctions is by the UN resolutions, larger part is by the US Congress, and the EU. We work to have these sanctions eliminated in the final step, and at the same time, protect the right for enrichment, Rouhani said.
Iran will keep enrichment in the level so as to secure it in trust-building framework, Rouhani asserted. We will deprive others of their conspiracies against Iranian nation to incite the international public and legal and political institutions to act against us, Rouhani said triumphantly.
Rouhani expressed hope in the future of talks, however admitted that in political negotiations, no one would definitely predict the end of the path. What the US officials say is under the Zionist pressures; of course, some other countries are also applying pressures on them, and their beliefs are far from the reality, Rouhani said.
We should see the international public opinion. All around the world, countries especially in the EU, believe Iran has been successful and that pressures on Iran were misguided, Rouhani told the press.
Rouhani added that some countries had been telling that sanctions and pressures were solution to Irans nuclear issue, however, We proved that the negotiation is the solution.
Now, our solution has been successful and we think that to continue it would also be a success for us, Rouhani maintained. We believe in the power of our negotiators and all the world should trust on Irans good faith, Rouhani said.
If Powers show good will and a political determination, I believe, even sooner we hammer out the final agreement than six months, Rouhani said.
By Mehr News Agency
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