On February 6, 2014, five Iranian border guards were kidnapped by a terrorist group called Jeish Al-Adl in Iran-Pakistan borders. Despite Iranian officials efforts and Pakistani officials promise to help release the, no news has been revealed about the abducted border guards yet.
Anonline petitionhas been issued in support of the abducted soldiers and signed by large number of artists, scholars, athletes, journalist and activists which is still open for more signatures by all people from around the world.
Thepetitionreads as follow:
"Free our Soldiers:Petitionin Support of 5 Abducted Iranian Border Guards
We ask all responsible authorities in the world, the UN and our neighbor country, Pakistan to do their best as a humanitarian action so that the 5 innocent abducted Soldiers would come back home safe."
Signed by:
More than 250 Famous Iranian artists, authors , Scholars , Journalists, Athletes.
By Mehr News Agency
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