20 Sep 2024
Wednesday 14 January 2015 - 14:28
Story Code : 145146

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Jan. 14

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Wednesday and picked headlines from 14 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.
President Rouhanis speech on a visit to the southern province of Bushehr in which he talked, among other things about the domestic and foreign policy of his government the fight against corruption and nuclear talks dominated the front pages of the Iranian newspapers on Wednesday. Also in the headlines, mostly in reformist papers, was the statement parliament deputy Ali Motahari issued detailing what happened during and after his speech in parliament which remained unfinished after fellow MPs attacked him.

Abrar: Iran is among the worlds top 10 countries when it comes to possession of military equipment, said a senior commander with the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps.


Abrar newspaper 1- 14

Abrar-e Eghtesadi: Iran has opened talks with three Japanese and Korean oil giants.


Abrare eghtesadi newspaper 1- 14

Aftab-e Yazd: As soon as we move to eliminate corruption on a certain front, some start to accuse the government, the president said.


Aftabe yazd newspaper 1- 14

Arman-e Emrooz: In a speech in the southern city of Bushehr, President Hassan Rouhani has warned P5+1 to act logically at the negotiating table.

Arman-e Emrooz: The Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance has complained about cancellation of concerts in the provinces. We stand by the permits we have issued for concerts, the ministry said.


Armane emruz newspaper 1- 14

Ebtekar: The secretary of the Supreme National Security Council has said that oil has lost its efficacy in political rivalries.

Ebtekar: I wont take part in the convergence meetings of principlists, said Secretary of the Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei [a former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps who has unsuccessfully run for president as a principlist in the past].


Ebtekar newspaper 1- 14

Etemad: In a statement Ali Motahari [a principlist MP whose speech was interrupted by fellow deputies in parliament on Sunday] has made public his version of events in the noisy session of the chamber. My hope is that the next parliament is different from this one.


Etemad newspaper 1- 14

Ettelaat: We will continue our constructive interaction with the rest of the world. Those who plotted the drop-in-oil-prices scheme will regret their decision, said President Rouhani at a large gathering of townspeople in Bushehr.

Ettelaat: A trade and industry free zone is to be set up in Tehran.


Ettelaat newspaper 1- 14

Javan: President Obama has talked with Netanyahu to secure his permission ahead of a fresh round of nuclear talks with Iran.


Javan newspaper 1- 14

Jomhouri Islami: Thirty American, European and Asian firms have applied to make investment in Irans natural gas industry.

Jomhouri Islami: An Egyptian court has overturned Mubaraks conviction.


Jomhorie eslami newspaper 1- 14

Kar va Kargar: Times of threats and sanctions are gone, said President Rouhani as he urged P5+1 to opt for a speedy, logical approach in nuclear talks with Iran.


Karo kargar newspaper 1- 14

Kayhan: More than 100,000 Germans have staged a rally in support of Islam.


Kayhan newspaper 1- 14

Qods: Foreign Minister Zarif and his American counterpart Secretary Kerry will meet in Geneva today.


Ghods newspaper 1- 14

Sharq: My government wont back down in the fight against corruption, vowed President Rouhani.

Shargh newspaper 1- 14

Tafahom: President Rouhani has said the loss Saudi Arabia suffers as a result of a recent drop in oil prices will be bigger than Irans.


Tafahom newspaper 1- 14

By Iran Front Page


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