20 Sep 2024
Sunday 13 December 2015 - 14:29
Story Code : 192227

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Dec. 13

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Sunday and picked headlines from 21 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

News about upcoming elections dominated the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Sunday. Reformist dailies gave extensive coverage to the candidacy of the grandson of the late Imam for the Assembly of Experts elections.

Ettelaat: President Rouhani has urged all those interested in serving to field their candidacy [in the upcoming parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections.]

He said that he hopes that the next parliament is stronger than the current one in standing up for the integrity of the establishment as well as the rights of the people.

Ettelaat: The parliament speaker has said that only support for the production sector will settle the problem of unemployment.

Ali Larijani further said that some of the problems stem from mismanagement of the past which will be settled with proper management and contribution of the public.

Ettelaat: Attacks in Kabul and Kandahar left 67 people dead.

Taliban militants mounted an attack near the Spanish Embassy in Kabul, killing five Afghan police and a Spaniard.

In another deadly incident, an attack by the militants on the Kandahar Airport left 61 dead.

Ettelaat: The grandson of the late Imam Khomeini will run for the Assembly of Experts.

Ettelaat: An energy ministry will be formed.

Under a draft Sixth Development Plan, by the end of the five-year plan, a new ministry will be formed to take care of part of the responsibilities of the ministries of power and oil as well as the Environment Protection Organization and the Forestry and Pastureland Organization.

Ettelaat: Ahmad Monzavi, an expert in handwritten Islamic texts, has passed away.

A funeral procession is expected to be held for the prominent scholar on Tuesday.




Abrar-e Eghtesadi: The ceiling of the governments foreign debts will rise to $50 billion.




Afkar: With proper supervision, pessimists should shake off their doubtfulness, said Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif [in reference to those who constantly doubt the performance of the executive as far as the implementation of the nuclear deal is concerned].




Aftab-e Yazd: The final act in the courtroom drama

Babak Zanjani has shed tears in the most recent hearing in his corruption trial



Arman-e Emrooz: The vice-president for parliamentary affairs has said that 16 paralyzing sanctions have been lifted.

Arman-e Emrooz: A draft of the Sixth Development Plan introduces structural changes to five ministries which deal with economic issues.



Bahar: The managing editor of Ettelaat daily has sent a letter to the Supreme Leader on [restrictions regarding coverage of news featuring] Mohammad Khatami and received a response.




Ebtekar: First Vice-President Eshagh Jahangiri has met with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ashgabat.




Etemad: An economic revolution under the Sixth Development Plan

Among other things, the plan would subject the economic activities of religious entities and reconstruction bases to tax, downsize the ranks of human resources in state institutions by 15 percent; downsize all executive bodies; slap a ban on new government hiring, raise fuel and water prices and cut tax exemptions.




Farhikhtegan: Foreign Minister Zarif has denied reports [first circulated on Telegram messaging app] that the frozen cash that belonged to the Football Federation has been deposited to the Foreign Ministry account.




Hamdeli: Dissolution of four organizations on the agenda of the government.

Hamdeli: The decision of the young Ayatollah to run for the Assembly of Experts has enraged hardliners.




Iran: Ninety-seven foreign companies attend a petrochemical conference in Tehran on Sunday.

Iran: Seyyed Hassan Khomeini [the grandson of the late Imam] has stepped onto the electoral stage.




Jahan-e Eghtesad: Foreign Minister Zarif has recalled the formation of a panel designated by the Supreme Leader and said that those who are constantly doubtful do not need to worry [about the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action].




Javan: The US Congress has voted for a motion to ban travel by citizens of 38 countries, including Iran, to the United States.




Jomhouri Islami: Oil prices have hit an 11-year low.

Jomhouri Islami: Prominent Iraqi Shiite cleric Ayatollah Sistani has called on the Iraqi government to stand up to violation of the countrys sovereignty.




Kayhan: Revolutionaries in Yemen have killed 16 Blackwater contractors, including a commander.




Resalat: The holy city of Mashhad hosted 3 million pilgrims who were there to mark the martyrdom anniversary of the 8th Shiite Imam.



Rooyesh Mellat: The first vice-president has said that sanctions will be lifted soon.



Sayeh: A senior official at the Environment Protection Organization has said that poaching birds is punishable by $66,000 in fines.




Shahrvand: President Rouhani has said that his administration takes pride in implementing the Healthcare Transformation Plan.




Sharq: Saudi women have cast ballot for the first time.




Vaghaye-e Etefaghiyeh: Irans tourism in the crosshairs of the US Congress

The new motion limits travel to Iran, Iraq, Syria and Sudan.

By Iran Front Page
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