2 Mar 2025
Saturday 16 July 2016 - 17:46
Story Code : 223001

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on July 16

Although the recent military coup in Turkey was the top story in global news outlets, the development took place in early hours of morning, and majority of Iranian newspapers had already published their Saturday issues. Only three newspapers, Shargh, Hamshahri and Vaghaye Ettefaghieh revised their front pages in last minutes and issued second prints; however, as a result of the quick pace of developments in Turkey, even their second prints did not reflect the latest news, which was the return of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the failure of the military coup.

Saturday is the first day of the week in Iran, and newspapers mostly covered the developments of the Iranian weekend [Thursday and Friday]. The most important one was the terrorist attack in the French city of Nice, where more than 80 people were run over by a truck. Newspapers used various headlines to cover the brutal attack.

The 14th of July, which was the one-year anniversary of the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, known as JCPOA, also remained a top story in many papers. Newspapers are publishing reports for and against the deal on a daily basis.

The recent inscription of Persian Qanats in the UNESCO�s World Heritage List was also highlighted in many papers.

The above issues as well as many more are covered in the following headlines:



1- France: We Have No Links with MKO!

2- 25,000 Disabled Children Born in Iran Each Year

3- French National Assembly President�s Visit to Iran Postponed after Nice Attack

4- US Congress Approves Plan to Impose Fresh Sanctions against Iran



Abrar-e Eqtesadi:

1- Smuggling of Goods Quadrupled under Ahmadinejad

2- Serious Developments in Iran-Germany Banking Ties

3- Iran Starts Talks with 2 German and British Plant Construction Giants

4- Russians to Take Iran�s Oil to Bosnia: Iran�s 10 New Customers

5- Government Allocates Budget to Settle Iran�s Debts to IMF




1- Persian Qanats Inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage List

2- French National Celebration Turns to National Grief

3- We Have No Security or Military Problem in Caspian Sea: Deputy FM



Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Iran Trying to Resume Umrah [Minor] Hajj Pilgrimage Once Again

2- What Ayatollah Rafsanjani Does in Case of Any Disagreement with the Leader

3- Rouhani Once Again Invited to Visit Germany



Arman-e Emrooz:

1- No One Is Closer to the Leader than Me: Ayatollah Rafsanjani

2- Details of Iran-US Secret Talks in Oman

3- JCPOA, a Political Achievement amid Economic Impasse: Expert�s View




1- 300 Bank Accounts Opened in Foreign Banks: Iran Bargaining for Billions of Dollars of LCs

2- Direct Foreign Investment in Iran to Be Increased to $8bn This Year




1- Good Terrorism, Bad Terrorism: Saudi Arabia Escaping Forward; Reactions to Nice Attack

2- Leader Extends Terms of Guardian Council Clerics

3- Javad Nekounam, Iranian Football Player, Announces Retirement

4- Hope for Life in Veins of Qanat: A Review of Iran�s Water Protection Policies

5- Why Gov�t Reshuffle Is Necessary [Editorial by Vakili, the newspaper�s chief and MP from Tehran]




1- Ayatollah Jannati�s Term in Guardian Council Extended by Leader

2- Iranian Firefighter Dies in an Operation against Smoke and Fire




1- 150,000 Job Opportunities to Be Created by September: Gov�t Spokesman

2- I�ll Veto All Anti-Iran Plans in Congress: Obama



Haft-e Sobh:

1- Will Tehran Catch Fever of Pok�mon Go as Well?

2- Storm in Iran�s Medical Community: Benefits of Kiarostami�s Case for Doctors; How Health Ministry Can Restore People Trust




1- Coup in Turkey: Army Occupies Streets and TV Station, Declares Overthrow of Erdogan




1- Iran, US and Europe in Talks to Remove Banking Obstacles: CBI Chief

2- Heavy Dust Pollution Paralyses Life in Southeastern Iranian City of Zabol

3- White House and Europe Once Again Voice Their Support for JCPOA



Jame Jam:

1- The Bloody Nice: French-Tunisian National Kills 84

2- French People Are Victims of West�s Instrumental Use of Terrorism



1- Faltering JCPOA: On 1-Year Anniversary of Nuclear Deal, Zarif Criticizes USA�s Weak Implementation of JCPOA

2- Astronomical Salaries Are Cruel: Cleric

3- ISIS�s Truck of Terror Runs over France


Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Nuclear Deal Was Victory of Diplomacy over Force: Zarif

2- When Sponsors of Terrorism Hide Their Faces

3- Repercussions of Double-Standard Policies for Western Statesmen [Editorial]



1- Host of Terrorists Falls Victim to Terror: 84 Killed and 130 Wounded in Nice Terrorist Attack

2- Deal with FATF Means Allowing the Enemy to Choose Passwords for Our Credit Cards: Economic Expert

3- Aristocrat Executives� Organized Efforts to Whitewash Astronomical Salaries� Case

4- US Celebrates JCPOA Anniversary by Approving 3 Anti-Iran Bills

5- Kashmir Muslims Brutally Killed under Support of Indian Army



1- Zarif Criticizes US Violation of Promises in His Twitter

2- 1-Ton Bomb Unearthed at Turkish Customs Gate to Iran

3- France to Become Europe�s Pakistan



1- Iran Doesn�t Accept 13% Share of Caspian Sea: Deputy FM

2- Foreign Ministry Should Consider Sponsors of MKO [France] as a Belligerent Country: Cleric



1- There Is No Tsunami of Cancer in Iran: Official Dismisses Recent Remarks on Cancer Outbreak

2- When Even Acetaminophen Becomes Fatal



1- Coup in Turkey: Army Declares Overthrow of Erdogan�s Government

2- Erdogan Calls on People to Take into Streets

3- Rouhani Calls for Extraordinary Meeting of Supreme National Security Council

4- We Should Wait for Saudi Children to Grow Up: Expert

5- Nekounam: I Wished to Announce My Retirement in FC Esteghlal�s Shirt



Sobh-e Now:

1- Scary Thriller in Nice Beach: Truck of Insecurity Arrives at France Station; Terrorism as Terminator

2- A World of Distance from Nice to Kerrada [Editorial]

3- Fresh Wave of Tattoos among Iranians Born after 1990s: Mobile Paintings in Streets


Vaghaye Ettefaghieh:

1- Turkey under Army�s Boots: Turkish Troops Occupy Istanbul and Take over Power through a Military Coup

2- All Those Insulted by Iranians in Social Media: How the World Judges Us

3- Changing a Tradition Doesn�t Mean Changing Religious Values: Imam Khomeini�s Grandson


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- Strange Contract with Italy: �3.6bn of Iran�s Money to Be Spent on Pavement! [Iranian government has signed a deal with Italy�s highway agency ANAS for the construction and management of a 1,200 km road project that will cost �3.6bn ($4bn).]

2- Global Community Is Asleep: 31 Killed, 640 Wounded in Recent Kashmir Clashes

By Iran Front Page
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