20 Sep 2024
Monday 26 November 2018 - 14:52
Story Code : 328138

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on November 26

Iran Front Page - IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Monday, November 26, 2018, and picked headlines from 18 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

All papers today covered the remarks made by the Leader of Irans Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with a gathering of government officials, ambassadors from Muslim countries and guests participating in the 32nd International Islamic Unity conference in Tehran.

The controversy over Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarifs comments about rampant money laundering in Iran also remained a top story today. At the request of the prosecutor-general, the Iranian foreign ministry has prepared and sent a 12-page response to give more details about the claim made by Zarif. Hardliners, however, are still trying to impeach him over the controversial comments.

The yellow vest protest rallies in France against President Emmanuel Macrons economic policies and fuel price hikes also received great coverage.

Several papers also covered the 6.4-magnitude earthquake which hit Kermanshah province in Western Iran, but fortunately left no one killed.

The above issues, as well as many more, are highlighted in the following headlines and top stories:


1- Iran Leader: US Not in a Damn Position to Threaten Iranian Nation

2- Senior MP: CFT Bill to Be Discussed in Parliament Tuesday


Aftab-e Yazd:

1- Rouhani: Were Ready to Defend Interests of Saudi People

2- Rouhanis Aide Mowlaverdi Nobly Resigns over Ban on Employment of Retired Officials


Arman-e Emrooz:

1- Quake in West Makes Iranians Worried: No One Dead, 411 Wounded

2- Iran Leader: Sanctions against Iranians to Fail

3- Zarif Responds to Prosecutors Call for Disclosure of Data on Money Laundering

  • 12 Pages of Data Including Documented Information about CFT, Money Laundering

Donya-ye Eqtesad:

1- Officials Vow to Get Irans Economy Out of Forex Crisis

2- French Protesters Call for Macrons Resignation in Paris


1- Rouhani: We Extend Our Hand of Friendship to All Muslims

2- Deal of Losers: Leaders of 27 EU Member States Agree on Brexit

3- Iranian Women Have 37% Share of Higher Education


1- Hardliners in Iran Trying to Impeach Zarif When Opposition Groups Also Attacking Him

2- Forced Cabinet Reshuffle: Mowlaverdi, 9 Deputies Resign

3- 6.4-Magnitude Quake in Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah



1- Iran Leader: Islamic Establishment Prescription of Development for Muslim World

2- Terrorists Attack Syrias Aleppo with Cholera Gas

3- Rouhani: Slavery Is What US Wants from Region

4- Zarif: Its Irans Right to Return to Uranium Enrichment


Haft-e Sobh:

1- Zarifs One-Man Battle: Is He Best FM Iran Has Had in Past Century?


1- Kermanshah Hit by Earthquake


Jame Jam:

1- Iran Leader to Muslim Leaders: Return to Guardianship of Islam

  • Guardianship of US Will Have No Benefit

2- Iranian Researchers Initiative in Cancer Studies

  • Grounds Prepared to Producing Artificial Cancerous Tumours Using 3D Printer



1- Europe Gets Divorce from Britain in 40 Minutes!

2- Rouhani: Giving in to US Treason against Future Generations

Jomhouri Eslami:

1- Iran Leader: Only Way to Save Mideast Is to Promote Spirit of Resistance

2- China to Resume Oil Purchases from Iran

3- MPs Say Attacks on Zarif Unfair

  • We Should Regard His Comments as Chance for Fighting Corruption


1- Foreign Policy: Telegram Devalued Iranian Currency by Spreading Fake News

2- 95% of Saudi Princes Ready to Topple Bin Salman: Whistle-blower



1- Plan to Control Foreign Currency Rates Hindered by Decreased Oil Sales

2- Street Republic

  • French People Have Started Massive Rallies against Macrons Economic Reforms

  • Macron Not Going to Back Off, Seeking to Give Concessions on Other Areas

3- Four Corners of Iran Flooded by Heavy Rainfall: 11 Provinces Affected


Setareh Sobh:

1- Countering Oil Sanctions: Chinas CNPC Replaces Total

2- Britain Leaves EU



1- Unsuccessful Negotiations

  • Interview with Veteran Diplomat on Talks with US: From Mosaddegh to Bazargan

2- On Brink of Impeachment

  • MPs Close to Hardliners Call for Zarifs Impeachment

  • Zarif Gives 12-Page Response to Prosecutor-Generals Call

3- Nothing Bad Happens in Strong Quake in Kermanshah


Sobh-e Now:

1- lyse in Blood and Fire

2- Earthquake Hits Western Iran: Magnitude-6.4 Quake Felt in Iraq, Kuwait as Well


Vatan-e Emrooz:

1- Iran Leader: Palestinian, Yemeni People to Emerge Victorious

2- Paris Burns in Crisis

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